Skylar Grey has been told in advance her latest duet with the famous DJ and producer Kaskade. Room for Happiness was released this week, got two version Ice and Fire. Ice is very slow, and smooth, but Fire is more dancy and uptempo. No matter which version you're listening Skylar's unique voice increases the light of the music!
Skylar Grey&Kaskade - Room for happiness
Már jó előre beharangozta az amerikai énekesnő soron következő duettjét, napjaink egy legfelkapottabb DJ-vel Kaskade-dal. A Room for Happiness című dalnak létezik egy Fire és egy Ice official remixe. Ez utóbbi egészen lassú, melankolikus, míg a másik verzió sokkal pörgősebb tempójú. De valójában teljesen mindegy melyik hallgatja az ember, mert Skylar Grey egyedi, senki máséval össze nem téveszthető hangja élvezetessé teszi mindkét verziót!
Skylar Grey has been told in advance her latest duet with the famous DJ and producer Kaskade. Room for Happiness was released this week, got two version Ice and Fire. Ice is very slow, and smooth, but Fire is more dancy and uptempo. No matter which version you're listening Skylar's unique voice increases the light of the music!
Skylar Grey has been told in advance her latest duet with the famous DJ and producer Kaskade. Room for Happiness was released this week, got two version Ice and Fire. Ice is very slow, and smooth, but Fire is more dancy and uptempo. No matter which version you're listening Skylar's unique voice increases the light of the music!
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