Az új tracket úgy jellemezte a sztár: "A Lunar emlékeztet a korai francia zenére, de egy kis friss pörgést is adtunk neki. A dalt a holland DJ-vel és producerrel Afrojack-kel vettem fel, aki szerintem igazán állati!"
Afrojack-et egyébként két éve fedezte fel David Guetta és segített neki a munkában, mostanra a holland is nagy ásznak számít a szakmában.
"Örülök, hogy több DJ-nek is megtetszett a Lunar úgy, mint Steve Angello, Calvin Harris vagy Laidback Luke. Szeretem meglepni az embereket és remélem Ti is meglepődtök majd!" - írta a DJ facebook-os jegyzetében.
Guetta shared his thoughts today on his profile about the song, and about the album.
"My new album might surprise some people. It has two sides to it, one purely electronic and one song-based. 'Lunar' is the first track to be released from the electronic side."
He made the electronic side, because he wanted to show us his club roots. He recorded the single with dutch DJ Afrojack. He discovered Afrojack two years ago, and he wanted to help him. Guetta succeed, because Afrojack is now famous in his style.
Guetta said: "Lunar reminds me of early French touch, but we gave it a fresh twist. I made the record with Dutch DJ and producer Afrojack, who I think is really amazing."
"I'm happy that a lot of DJs are supporting 'Lunar' like Steve Angello, Calvin Harris, Laidback Luke and Steve Aoki. - he added. - I like to surprise people, and I hope 'Lunar' surprises you."
Source: facebook
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