Linda Király was great this weekend at the Eurovision Song Contest pre selection, where the Kirals performed Untried. They are in the next round of the competition and they must take one more step for the ESC participation. Linda was great, but her brothers were forgettable.Her hair was well done, and lil' bit scary, but i love it! Awsome! :)
The Kiraly's performed Untried
Király Linda felejthetetlent énekelt a hétvégén az M1 dal című műsorában, ahol tovább is jutottak a "három Királyok" Untried című dalukkal az Eurovízió következő válogatójába. Úgyhogy végül is már csak egy hajszál választja el őket attól, hogy megmutassák Bakuban, hogy mennyire tudnak a magyarok! Viktor és Ben közreműködése elhanyagolható volt a színpadon, Linda eleve meghökkentően nézett ki és amikor meg előkapta azt a gitárt... :O Anyám, zseniális volt!
Linda Király was great this weekend at the Eurovision Song Contest pre selection, where the Kirals performed Untried. They are in the next round of the competition and they must take one more step for the ESC participation. Linda was great, but her brothers were forgettable.Her hair was well done, and lil' bit scary, but i love it! Awsome! :)
Linda Király was great this weekend at the Eurovision Song Contest pre selection, where the Kirals performed Untried. They are in the next round of the competition and they must take one more step for the ESC participation. Linda was great, but her brothers were forgettable.Her hair was well done, and lil' bit scary, but i love it! Awsome! :)
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