Golden Flo, can say, but i don't. I say, only one Flo, who had Taylor Swift - off course just for a single - announced today on his facebook, that his actual single Good Feeling earned golden classification. The song is quite good, a possible hit single, but this isn't FloRida's best song. As i checked the charts, i realized that this song isn't on the Billboard chart. I don't know, but i like it. Whatcha think?
Golden Flo
Aranyos FloRdia mondhatnám az elcsépelt frázist, de nem teszem. Az egyetlen Flo, akinek már megvolt Taylor Swift is - na persze csak egy dalra kapta el az énekesnőt - ma bejelentette a facebookon, hogy aranylemez lett a Good Feeling. A dalocska igazán fülbemászó és afféle könnyen emészthető darab, szóval nem csoda, ha viszik, mint a cukrot. Átnyálazva kissé a slágerlistákat, a legfontosabbon a Billboard listáján ott sincs a dal. Mondjuk azt aláírom, nem ez a legjobb száma a rappernek. De azért márt felkerülhetett volna!
Golden Flo, can say, but i don't. I say, only one Flo, who had Taylor Swift - off course just for a single - announced today on his facebook, that his actual single Good Feeling earned golden classification. The song is quite good, a possible hit single, but this isn't FloRida's best song. As i checked the charts, i realized that this song isn't on the Billboard chart. I don't know, but i like it. Whatcha think?
Golden Flo, can say, but i don't. I say, only one Flo, who had Taylor Swift - off course just for a single - announced today on his facebook, that his actual single Good Feeling earned golden classification. The song is quite good, a possible hit single, but this isn't FloRida's best song. As i checked the charts, i realized that this song isn't on the Billboard chart. I don't know, but i like it. Whatcha think?
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