Another baggy, deep-house tune for the darker sound lovers. Off course this isn't metal at all, but a bit noir. Around is the single of Noir&Haze, originally released in 2011. But the finished product was made by Abriviatura IV. He's another wonderful composer, who just dropped his new EP in the last weeks. The record is titled as Never gonna say goodbye, and was released by Pepper Cat Records. What you should know about this label, that Anton Ishutin runs it. So he got ears for talent, because all of Abriviatura's remixes are awsome.
New song: Noir&Haze - Around (Abriviatura IV mix)
Egy másik lötyögős, deep house nóta a sötétebb stílus kedvelőinek. Na, nem metálról van ám szó, csupán kicsit darkos az Around hangulata. A nóta Noir and Haze keze munkáját dicséri, még 2011-ben adták ki. A végeredmény – amely alább meghallgatható - pedig Abriviatura IV remixe. A DJ új EP-je Never gonna say goodbye címmel kb. két hete jelent meg a Pepper Cat Records gondozásában. És el kell mondjam, piszok jó lett! Nem csoda, hiszen a deep house fenegyereke Anton Ishutin a góré a kiadónál, meg kell hagyni jó füle van a tehetségek kiválasztásában. Tipikus oroszos deepes nu-disco hangzás, amit imádok. Súlyos basszusokkal, és fülbemászó dallamokkal.
Another baggy, deep-house tune for the darker sound lovers. Off course this isn't metal at all, but a bit noir. Around is the single of Noir&Haze, originally released in 2011. But the finished product was made by Abriviatura IV. He's another wonderful composer, who just dropped his new EP in the last weeks. The record is titled as Never gonna say goodbye, and was released by Pepper Cat Records. What you should know about this label, that Anton Ishutin runs it. So he got ears for talent, because all of Abriviatura's remixes are awsome.
Another baggy, deep-house tune for the darker sound lovers. Off course this isn't metal at all, but a bit noir. Around is the single of Noir&Haze, originally released in 2011. But the finished product was made by Abriviatura IV. He's another wonderful composer, who just dropped his new EP in the last weeks. The record is titled as Never gonna say goodbye, and was released by Pepper Cat Records. What you should know about this label, that Anton Ishutin runs it. So he got ears for talent, because all of Abriviatura's remixes are awsome.
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