LaMar "Mars" Edwards egyike a legelfoglaltabb producereknek, ám most azt várja legjobban, hogy barátja
T.I. kiszabaduljon a sittről. A producer ugyanis együtt fog dolgozni a Dél Királyával Tip visszatérő lemezén. "Egy évet volt hűvösön, szóval már nagyon várom a közös munkát. Sokat gondolok a tesómra." - mondta Mars az XXL magazinnak. Mint azt ti már jól tudjátok T.I. ezúttal illegális
drogbirtoklás miatt csukták le.
De úgy tűnik, egy Grammy díjas rappernek mindent lehet a sitten, merthogy Tip nemrégiben egy új levelet küldött a rajongóknak.
"Mi újság világű? Ez lesz az utolsó levelem a Forrest City börtönből." - Ugyanis szeptemberben szabadul a Király, de addig is szeretet és köszönetet akart küldeni mindazoknak, akik lélekben vele volt az elmúlt 11 hónapban.
LaMar "Mars" Edwards is one of the busiest producers in the game right now. He had a hand in most of the tracks for Game’s new LP, The R.E.D. Album, and he’s gearing up for the late September return to music by his close friend T.I.
"Definitely, that’s my brother, we got a company together," Mars said on the phone from his home in LA about whether he has tracks already waiting for Tip once he gets out of prison next month. "He’ll always be my brother, he’ll always be a friend and production partner. I’ll always be working with Tip. He’s been sitting for a year. So I’ve been thinking about my brother. I have all different types of directions, all types of different stuff."
Source: Trapmuzik.com
What up world? This will be my last message from Forrest City. Just reaching out and sending my love, respect and appreciation to all who have been ridin’ with me throughout this chapter in my life and not just recently but since all the things started happening one after another back in ’06. From Big Phil’s murder to my beautiful little angel Leiah being called home to heaven, to my arrest in ’07, the 1st prison sentence in ’09, to this last journey that I’m nearing the end of. A lot of people who are aware of all that has happened to me in my life say that there aren’t many men who could have endured and withstood so much pain, pressure and turmoil while managing to remain sane and keep their wits about them. I must say that I wouldn’t have been able to do so without God’s grace and having a strong support system behind me every step of the way. So often we spend time acknowledging the presence of “haters” and all the negativity they send our way but we don’t take the time to acknowledge and appreciate all the ones who love and support us and supply us with the positive energy we need to overcome. We complain about the pain so much that we don’t even notice how much stronger, wiser and better of a person the suffering has allowed us to become. I heard Pac say once “To live is to suffer and to survive is to find meaning in that suffering.” I later found out it came from an author by the name of Friedrich Nietzsche. When I heard Pac say that it was just some hard shit to hear your favorite rapper say before he kicked a verse. Now that I’ve gone through it and grown from it those words have a real true meaning to me. I know this won’t be my last battle with adversity but it has truly prepared me for whatever else may come in the future. For that also I’m thankful. Now it goes without saying that I hate I had to come back to prison for these 10 months but I am truly grateful for the knowledge, growth and understanding I’ve received from the experience.
Next time you hear from me I’ll be back out there with you. Doing for those who can’t do for themselves and speaking for those whose voices are never heard. When I touch down, I’m going all the way back to square one, like I’m fresh in the game and never sold a record. Back on some I’M SERIOUS, TRAP MUZIK shit… But until then RESPECT to all who deserve it. I’ll be back at you in a minute.
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